How about celebrating Christmas? 

And what about congratulating him?

Dear Readers:

The reality of Christmas Day and the date of the birth of Jesus (Peace be upon him).

Jesus (Peace be upon him) is one of the most important prophets (Peace be upon him)

Allah Almighty sent him into the world as a masterpiece of His power and miraculously Your life has been extraordinary from the beginning.

Allah Almighty created Jesus (Peace be upon him) without a father.

And then Jesus (Peace be upon him) was taken up to heaven alive.

Then again on the Day of Resurrection Jesus (Peace be upon him) will come into the world.

The life of Jesus (PBUH) is very instructive and amazing.

Allah Almighty mentioned your personality in different places in different places in the Holy Quran.

But your followers treated you very badly And did many unnecessary things towards you and your mother Mary (Peace be upon him) and his followers attributed false beliefs and ideologies and idolatry to Jesus (Peace be upon him) and his mother Mary (Peace be upon him).

And in the name of your birth which has started a series of rituals and customs which are against civilization and nobility and ignorant of the facts.

Let's take a brief look at the reality of Christmas Day and take a look at the evils that are committed under this name.

Therefore, on December 25, Christians around the world celebrate Christmas Day.

About the date of December 25 which the Christian thinks is the date on which Jesus (Peace be upon him) was born Christians happily celebrate this date as Eid arrange happiness Celebrating with joy Christians work against the teachings of Jesus (Peace be upon him).

Read it and learn the truth:

Christmas is a combination of the two words Christ and Mass.

Christ is called Jesus (Peace be upon him) And mass means gathering.

That is, coming together for Christ Christian gathering or the birth of Christ (peace be upon him).

The word was discovered around the fourth century, This word was not used before۔

Christmas is remembered and celebrated under different names in different parts of the world.

There is a great deal of disagreement among Christian scholars as to the date of Christ's birth and even the year of his birth.

1. The Roman Catholic and Protestant churches call December 25 Christmas Day

2. The Eastern Orthodox Church calls January 6 Christmas Day.

3. The Armenian Church celebrates January 19 as Christmas Day.

4. The celebration of Christmas on December 25 was first mentioned by King Constantine, who renounce idolatry and converted to Christianity in the fourth century AD.


Remember that no one knows the exact date of birth.

5. In the third century AD, Clement of Alexandria suggested that it be celebrated on May 20.

6. But December 25 was first set as a Christian religious holiday in Roll (Italy)

So Saturn was a non-Christian festival at that time. Which took place on the eve of the arrival of the Sun at Ras al-Jadi(It was a great Roman festival)۔

Put it behind you and celebrate Christ's birthday in its place.

(Dictionary of the Book: p. 147 concerning the fact of Christmas: 6)

Cannon Ferrer also acknowledged this in his book Life of Christ that the date of Christ's birth is not known anywhere.

This is the reality of Christmas Day which is celebrated all over the world as the birthday of Jesus.

The whole Christian world is in darkness, according to the history that has been fabricated by its own pope and clergy, unaware of the historical facts and the lack of the most authentic traditions.

And the reason for this is that they attribute it to the birth of their prophet and by forgetting the teachings of the Prophet himself and the instructions of nobility and purity, the storms establish indiscretions.

Authoritative scholars have said that the birth of Jesus (PBUH) is not on December 25, it was made later.

Even a Christian "David J. Meyer" has said that Jesus was not born on December 25, so he says:

Jesus was not born on December 25th.

Mufti Abdul Wajid Qadri, Grand Mufti of the Netherlands, said in a fatwa in Europe:

For Christians, Christmas Day has no historical significance

It is an accidental festival of the fourteenth century.

But Christians around the world have held this innovative festival so firmly that it has been the hallmark of Christianity for centuries in every church and Christian organization.

The date is decorated and the world is made to believe that it is a great Christian festival.

* In which billions of dollars of alcohol is not only drunk.

Then billions of dollars worth of fireworks and incendiary objects erupted in Europe and the United States.*

The country smells of sulfur till Saturday However (Christmas Day) may or may not be their religious holiday but today it has become a national holiday from which Muslims must stay away.

 (Fatwa ID : 366-365 N = 4/1437-E )

Ah ah ah ah sorry

Intoxicated by Drink and youth, they violate human and moral boundaries.

When Christmas started, its purpose was to create a religious tendency in the people۔

Or it could be said that in the beginning, it was an innovation whose only wasteful expenditure was "candles".

But then came the "Christmas tree", then the music, then the dance and finally the wine.

With the advent of alcohol, the festival took the form of luxury and obscenity.

In the United Kingdom alone, 7.3 billion alcohol is consumed each year at Christmas.

On December 25, 2002, 19,000 cases of humiliation and abuse were registered due to alcohol consumption.

On December 25, 2005, there were one million incidents of fighting and killings in Britain

(Christmas Reality in the Mirror of History: 11)

In this way, they make fun of the self-made religious day and in the name of their Prophet (peace be upon him), they adopt all kinds of evil things.

For us Muslims, the personality of Jesus (peace be upon him) is very respectable and Allah Almighty describes various aspects of his life in the Holy Quran.

The Holy Qur'an has testified to his pure life and the pure character of his mother Hazrat Maryam (peace be upon him).

The truths revealed by the Qur'an are not even in their distorted books.

But these people themselves fulfilled their luxuries in these blessed names and want to take the whole world in this storm of obscenity.

Their belief attacks on the Muslims of the villages and hamlets, and the plots to ensnare the Muslims away from the religion in the trap of Christianity are increasing day by day.

Forgetting the facts, they are giving wealth to trap human beings in the mire of disbelief and polytheism.

In this case, Muslims need to be aware of these facts.

It is important to protect yourself from all these rituals and customs and other festivals.

It is especially important to protect Muslim children from Christian missionary schools.

Because they continue to preach their religion in their schools in a very quiet manner and let us not deprive our children of faith in the dreams of quality education.

Shari'ah ruling on Christmas:

It is a sin to wish a happy Christmas just because of a formal relationship.

Not disbelief if you do not know this day as good or worthy of respect because of their religion.

If you honor the day of disbelievers, knowing that it is a day of great glory, then such a person is bound to disbelieve.

So in Bahr al-Raiq:

 الموفقة مھم فیما یفعلون في ذٰلك الیوم و بشرائه یوم النیروز شیاء لم یکن یشتر به قبل ذلك تعظیماً للنیروز لا لِاَکل و الشرب وباھدائه ذالك الیوم للمشرکین و لو بیضة تعظیماً لذالك الیوم ۔

(شرح فقه الاکبر، صفحہ نمبر 106 دار الکتب العلمیہ بیروت)


That is, to adapt the disbelievers to the work that they do on this special day Similarly, buying something on the day of Nerouz (religious day of infidels) Because of this day whereas before that he does not buy things But it is a typical food and drink so no problem

Then giving gifts to the polytheists Even if it was an egg to honor a particular day so it is illegal.

And sadly, these scenes are becoming more common these days all such people should be warned that it is Kufr to do this while considering this day honorable.

May Allah bless the Muslims to do whatever pleases Him. Amen.

Whether it is Christmas Day or Holi or Diwali, never give greetings or gifts or sweets to the infidels on the non-Islamic Eids of the infidels.

And if they give something, never take it.

May Allah Almighty help all Muslims to follow the teachings of Islam. Amen

(Bahar Beliefs and Issues Page No. 201) (بہار عقائد و مسائل صفحہ نمبر 201)

Jesus (peace be upon him) was neither killed nor crucified:

Almighty Allah says:

And (also) because of their uttering (the boastful claim):

‘We (have) killed Allah’s Messenger, the Messiah, ‘Isa, the son of Maryam (Jesus, the son of Mary),’ whereas they neither killed nor crucified him.

But (in truth) someone was made the like (of ‘Isa—Jesus) in their view. But those who disagree about him have surely fallen prey to doubt (concerning) this (murder).

They know nothing (what the truth is) except (that they are) following fancy. And they certainly did not murder ‘Isa (Jesus).

(Surah an-Nisa 157)

Hazrat Jesus (peace be upon him) in is the sky.

Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was not killed by the Jews And Allah raised you to the heavens.

Who believes that Jesus (peace be upon him) was killed and that he was crucified, as Christians believe So that person is a disbeliever.

Because it is clearly stated in the Quran that Jesus (peace be upon him) was neither killed nor crucified.

(Ajaib-ul-Quran with Gharaib-ul-Quran Page No. 74, 76)

What does Christmas Day mean?

The biggest Christian day which is the birth date of Jesus (peace be upon him) is December 25 which is called Eid-ul-Christian.

(Feroz al-Laghat, page. 1003)

But! It is not permissible for Muslims to participate in Christmas day ceremonies, congratulations, etc., and in some cases it is Kufr.

Whoever does something to honor the day of the disbelievers, such as buying something, the ruling on him is disbelief this is the ruling on celebrating Christmas and on this day people congratulate the disbelievers.

And in many places, there are banners from different communities

On which the names of unbelievers are written on Christmas greetings The ruling is Kufr on all such people who do it out of respect for Christmas Day.

(Bihar Beliefs and Issues Volume I Page No. 201)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told one of his Companions about Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) That they will descend into this world again and then they will come to Madinah And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) added: And when Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will stand by my grave So they will call me Muhammad (peace be upon him) and I will answer their call.

(Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, Kitab Matalib Al-Awliya Volume 4 Hadith No. 3953)

Ruling on participating in the festivals of the infidels:

Giving gifts etc. to infidels on the day of non-Islamic Eids the infidels are haram and sinful and if the intention is to honor their non-Islamic Eids, then it is Kufr.

(Protection of Faith Pages 117, 118, 120)

Merry Christmas means:

Allah has given birth to a son, Congratulations, Allah is a refuge, We seek refuge in Allah from that.

To have such a belief is Kufr which destroys the faith of a Muslim.

Allah says in the Holy Quran (interpretation of the meaning):


O Beloved (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)! Say: Allah is One.

He does not need anyone nor does he give birth to any son.

And no one has given birth to him.

And no one can be like Allah.

(Al Quran Surat al-Ikhlas, Para 30)

We are Muslims we should not say Merry Christmas or happy Christmas.

Non-Muslim Christians consider Jesus (peace be upon him) to be the son of God.

And celebrate Christmas in the joy of his birth.

So please, as a Muslim, never say Merry Christmas or Happy Christmas.

Try to deliver this article to every Muslim brother before 25th December. You will be rewarded for it. Insha Allah

On this occasion, do not listen to or watch any program or news about this festival on social media and TV media and keep an eye on your children.

Especially in schools, colleges, and universities, Christmas Day programs are held and celebrated.

Never allow children to be a part of it, do not participate yourself, do not let children participate.

Thanks for reading my Article

Hafiz Syed Muhammad Ali Noori

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