What are the symptoms of your liver disease and liver disease?
Hello everyone and welcome to All Information I'm Syed Muhammad Ali and I'm back with another interesting article today.
We'll be taking a look at a few signs and symptoms that you can develop if you have liver disease.
Your liver does a lot of things to keep you healthy.
It is especially important as it acts as your body's filter to clear out toxins.
This includes clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances such as ammonia.
The liver produces bile which helps to carry away waste products and breaks down fats in the gut during digestion.
It also produces certain proteins for blood plasma and other important molecules such as cholesterol which are especially important for the transport of vital nutrients throughout the body.
The proteins that are produced by the liver play numerous important roles in our body.
Additionally, but equally important is its role in maintaining our body's energy level in the form of glucose.
It converts excess glucose into glycogen for storage.
this glycogen can later be converted back to glucose for energy.
This is important for our body's survival and helps us feed the hunger and stay active for extended periods.
You may not know it but the liver has an important role in resisting infections also.
This is because the liver makes numerous immune factors to fight off microorganisms and also removes bacteria from the bloodstream, keeping us healthy.
Some factors like heavy consumption of alcohol, chronic viral infections, eating an unhealthy diet for too long, or an overdose of commonly prescribed medications can cause liver damage.
Other factors that may increase your chances of getting liver disease include:
obesity, type 2 diabetes, tattoos or body piercings, drug abuse, exposure to other people's blood and body fluids, Unprotected sex, exposure to certain chemicals or toxins, and a family history of liver disease.
When some of these risk factors are present your liver may get stressed out.
This will lead to liver injury which can present in various peculiar yet vague signs and symptoms.
According to experts, very few people know when the liver is failing, This is because most people aren't aware of what causes liver failure and even lesser people know how to look out for the symptoms.
So let's take a look at some of the common signs and symptoms of liver injury or liver failure.
If you see one or more of these signs you should immediately consult a medical professional to rule out any underlying disease.
Number one is loss of appetite.
Disinterest in food, loss of appetite, and weight loss are some of the early symptoms of liver problems.
Number two-fluid retention:
Fluid retention is also one of the most common signs of liver disease.
It appears in more than 50 people who have cirrhosis, A condition in which scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue.
Accumulating fluid may cause distension of your abdomen also known as ascites or may lead to swelling in your legs known as edema.
This happens because due to long-term liver disease high blood pressure develops in your liver veins.
This also happens when your liver is unable to make albumin.
A protein that prevents the leakage of fluid from your bloodstream into the adjoining tissues.
Both of these factors lead to eventual fluid leakage from your blood vessels and fluid accumulation into your abdomen or under your skin.
Treatment options for fluid retention include a low sodium diet which helps to treat mild fluid retention. for moderate to severe fluid retention, your doctor may prescribe certain medications known as diuretics which help in removing the excess fluid from your body by increasing your urine output.
But in some severe cases-your doctor can advise a procedure known as parasynthesis.
Using a needle doctor performs parasynthesis to drain the excess abdominal fluid which leads to temporary but instant relief.
Number three jaundice:
Jaundice is a condition that causes darker urine and a yellowish tint on your skin.
It can also lead to the yellowing of the whites of your eyes also known as “sclera”.
It appears when bilirubin builds up in your bloodstream bilirubin is a pigment that forms when red blood cells are broken down. Usually-a healthy liver absorbs bilirubin and converts it into bile.
This bile is then excreted by your body with your stools, but a diseased liver is unable to do so.
Hence yellowish bilirubin accumulates in your body and causes yellowish discoloration of skin, eyes, and urine.
You may ask what are the treatment options for jaundice?
Well, that depends upon the reason why jaundice has developed in the first place and there can be a wide variety of reasons. Your doctor will evaluate you by performing different types of tests like a complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests (LFTs), Ultrasonography of your liver, and liver Biopsy, If needed.
Number four increased the tendency of bleeding:
A healthy liver produces clotting factors which are proteins that are activated whenever you are injured. These proteins lead to the formation of a blood clot that stops the bleeding.
An unhealthy liver leads to a decreased production of these clotting factors, which ultimately results in an increased tendency to bleed. So whenever you are injured, It takes a long time for your body to stop the bleeding. You may also experience bruises under your skin with minor trauma. Patients with advanced liver disease such as liver failure have very low levels of these clotting factors and can experience episodes of spontaneous bleeding without any injury.
These patients may bleed into their stomach which results in blood in their vomit, or they can even experience bleeding in their lungs which can result in blood during coughing. Liver cirrhosis leads to an enlarged spleen known as splenomegaly.
Our spleen has the job of collecting platelets from our blood and their storage. When the spleen gets enlarged excessive amounts of platelets are removed by the spleen from blood.
This phenomenon is known as splenic sequestration. This may lead to a very low platelet count which makes you more susceptible to nose bleeds and bleeding gums.
Number five confusion:
Your liver is the major purifier of toxins from your blood, and it also metabolizes a lot of chemicals we ingest-such as those present in our food and medicines. When your liver is unable to filter these toxins, they may travel and accumulate in your brain.
The resulting condition, known as hepatic encephalopathy, can cause confusion, memory problems, lethargy, and in later stages even coma.
Number six is frequent nausea and vomiting:
This also results due to the liver's inability to remove toxins from our blood which slowly build up and trigger certain areas in our brain that result in nausea and vomiting. in our upcoming article about liver health, we'll talk about what are the common reasons for liver disease and we will also make an article on how to keep your liver healthy.
Thanks for reading
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Hafiz Syed Muhammad Ali Noori
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